Built with paper and cardboard. Uses a small screen, speaker and USB arcade controller. Designed to work with a Pi regular/zero size or PC stick.
Cardboard PC case designed to hold a mini-itx PC and mac mini at the base. Uses a sled to hold the main components and a cheap HDMI LCD monitor.
First iteration looked closer to a 512K, with the PC motherboard flat and GPU vertical and a smaller 1U PSU. After upgrading GPUs, decided to rotate everything, leaning into the SE design for more ventilation.
Done for the yearly october drawing a day - researched and posted various animals through the ages
For fun, I built an mp3 visualization for the mp3 player I wrote in Flash.
ROLE: UI/UX Prototype + Graphic Designer + Video Editor
CONTRIBUTION: Various interactive marketing and user interface mockups
PLATFORM: Browser (Shockwave 3D)
ROLE: UI Design + Technical Art + Web Developer
CONTRIBUTION: Created a web 3D demo of a full product PC based world editor.
As a summer 2007 intern, I was asked to come up with a web demonstration of the client's main 3D program. Instead of recording video and make a flash site, I decided to port 1/4 of the programs functionality into a web friendly format. This solved two problems: show people what you could do with the program and train them to use it so they would hopefully want more features found in the full pcroduct.
To do this, I chose some key content from the original product. Original content was in unreal 2, which needed model and texture LOD (I faked high res by using multi-texturing). The UI was designed in Photoshop and implemented as 3D planes. Built in two months to code, implement, LOD content, design the UI and customer experience.
Watch the trailer on Youtube - (I didn't make the trailer)
ROLE: UI Design + Technical Art
CONTRIBUTION: Worked on a small semester long (4 month) project to develop a network head-to-head flight-sim recruitment game to be used at job fairs. The team: 1 designer, 1 producer, 4 engineers and myself as the artist. I designed the user interface, environment art and level design, converted models to game engine ready format and everything on the art side (environment, texturing with normal maps, art directing).
Panels for a touchscreen monitor in a hallway spaceship set installation. Guests would press on different sections and watch videos based on their selections. Like a high tech museum interactive piece
ROLE: 3D Artist, UI/UX Designer, UI Engineer
(2002-06) - Interactive Multimedia Educational CD
Teaches students how to identify 15 species of turf grass. Built in Director - collaborated on design with 2 other designers. Created 3D models of 15 grass species.
PLATFORM: Art Installation, Arcade Machine
ROLE: Hardware, Game and Experience Design/Construction, Technical Art
BUILD TIME: 2003-2005
This project started back in fall of 2003. I knew in 2 years I would need a thesis for my BFA. The project goal was to expose people to the performative aspect of video game playing. Originally I thought to build an arcade cabinet and link everything to a GameBoy Advanced to be authentic and cheap. When I couldn't figure out a good development pipeline for the GBA, I switched to Director + 3DS. In 2005 I began establishing an art pipeline and researched game design by playing loads of classic + new games. By September 2005 I had a game engine running. My senior thesis course involved weekly critiques. Between other classes, this was very crunchy development. By December 2005 the wild ride was over and I had something of a game running on a 1GHz PC inside an arcade cabinet I built. It had arcade controls for the player and 2 DDR pads located behind the player for audience to step on and reveal avatars onscreen. It tended to make most players aware that people were behind them, watching them play. There was also a screen behind the cabinet that provided other views into the game world. Not only could audience stand behind but also in front of the player.
PLATFORM: 3D Web Game (Director3D)
ROLE: Game and UI Design, Character and Environment art
BUILD TIME: 1.5 Weeks
Puma, was developed in 2 weeks as a final for my interactive media (basically a flash course) in my fine arts undergrad. Despite the course being only flash, I switched to Director and MAX to ensure that my vision would work out. I did all the game design, level design, environment work, character modeling, texturing, rigging, animation and AI programming. All this with 3 other finals for other classes. I didn't sleep much those 2 weeks :P
PLATFORM: Mac OS 7-9, 10.0 and newer. 68K and PPC
ROLE: Software Engineer, UI Artist
(2000-03) - bitrate calculator for mac specific codecs
Codec Calculator started as a pet project while I was working on lots of video projects. I didn't want to sit around waiting for something to compress to know how big it going to be. Initially released in 2000 as a Classic Mac program and later ported to Carbon. It hit the top 20 utility downloads a few times on version tracker and download. Was also listed in a version tracker snippet in an issue of MacWorld in 2002. Built with Think C, and later Code Warrior.
I no longer support this program any more and development will not continue.
A collection of past work and projects.