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about \\\ IVAN

I consider myself a jack of all trades. An artist with programming background. I love video games. I spend a lot of time learning new ways of creating/doing things and subsequently I end up helping out lots of people.

short bio \\\\

I picked up programming at the age of 6 using an apple//c+. Four years later I started trying to figure out how to make games. My dad gave me an old Mac 512k and later an SE (8MHz!). I started on a journey into pixel animation, user interface design, 2D and 3D render pipelines, modeling with early wireframe lathe + revolver tools (1996!). I developed both art and programming sides, but ended up starting a computer science degree for my undergrad at UConn. After 3 semesters I switched to Communication/Graphic Design to complement my first job making the back and front end of websites in a design studio. Learning the solid fundamentals of art and design lead me to return to my dream of making games after undergrad. I started looking for grad schools that would help me get closer and landed myself a spot at the ETC in Carnegie Mellon. The program emphasized tight schedules, working in teams and getting to know the entertainment, video game and theme park industries. Having worked in 2 design studios before I knew the teamwork and tight schedule. It was the last bit that I really learned a lot from. Having graduated I'm free to continue to explore new paths. I hope to one day teach and run a design studio making games, websites, print and more :)

I would like to work as an artist in the video games industry as its been a dream for a long long time.